28 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

28 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

Here we are again! Four more weeks have passed and it’s time for the next bumpdate. I’m officially at the 28 week mark, also known as, THE THIRD TRIMESTER! Wowza, time just flies. In this post I’m also sharing YOUR tips and advice for mamas entering their third trimester! I can’t believe we are just 2 months from meeting baby Williams.

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Quick and Easy Chicken Taco Soup

Quick and Easy Chicken Taco Soup

Friends, I’m going to go ahead and start this off by asking y’all give your girl some grace here because this is my FIRST EVER recipe blog post! It is seriously ridiculously easy. You can go crockpot style and allow everything to slowly cook throughout the day, or if out of nowhere a cold front comes through or the rain begins to pour and you are instantly in the mood for something warm and savory, just throw all of it in a big pot and within minutes the soup will be ready to devour! Trust me, you can make it.

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Reading The Bible As A Family

Reading The Bible As A Family

If you know us, it’s no secret that Calvin and I both love God and love His word. With our very first baby on the way, we undoubtably desire to teach our little one about God and look forward to watching his or her knowledge of Him grow.

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24 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

24 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

A lot has happened since the halfway mark (20 weeks). Calvin felt the baby kick for the first time! We took maternity photos and I’m including a sneak peek of them in this post! :) We also got a start on our registries and I was able to attend The Mother of All Baby Showers event in Houston with my sweet mama. Now, time for the rest of this bumpdate:

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20 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

20 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

My halfway point #bumpdate is finally here! I can’t believe I’m halfway done with this pregnancy. Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m pregnant to begin with. I’m excited to answer questions I’ve been getting about the pregnancy, baby, Calvin and I and our journey into parenthood, as well as, share products and resources that have been game changers. Here we go!

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How I Told My Husband (and everyone else) I Was Pregnant

How I Told My Husband (and everyone else) I Was Pregnant

November 28, 2016 my husband and I began trying to conceive. October 26, 2018 I took a pregnancy test at home, alone, and it was positive!! That day was a Friday. I held it inside for ONE WHOLE DAY. How? I have no clue. But I do know I wanted the moment I told Calvin to be special…

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Our Journey To Pregnancy

Our Journey To Pregnancy

That’s right! In case you didn’t know because you aren’t on social media or I haven’t seen you in person lately: WE’RE PREGNANT!! I have a lot to say about this so I hope you’re ready for some good reads that will be broken into multiple blog posts! ;) But before I start. . .
To anyone on the journey to parenthood I want to say: I see you.

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Why I Listen To Podcasts and The Ones I Recommend

Why I Listen To Podcasts and The Ones I Recommend

I mean because if you're not listening to podcasts while you're cleaning, cooking, DRIVING, working out or whatever else, where you been, friend?!

My round up list of podcasts I'm enjoying are informative, mainly faith-based, and presented in a conversational type of way that makes it easy to follow while being challenged and inspired.

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How To Get Out Of Your Head (and stop overthinking everything)

How To Get Out Of Your Head (and stop overthinking everything)

Ever lay in bed, starring up at the ceiling and questioning EVERYTHING? Yeah, me too. And while eventually I may overthink myself to sleep like little kids that cry themselves to sleep, I end up waking up feeling defeated. God's been working this out in me and I'm praying this is a timely message for SOMEBODY out there, too. Maybe you.

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Why You Should Lean In

Why You Should Lean In

I don't know what this is. Honestly, I struggle in being a perfectionist AND indecisive. Lord, help me. So providing that as some context, you could see why I wouldn't be lying to you when I confess that it takes me WEEKS to finish and PUBLISH a single blog post. But this one, this one just sort of spilled out. And then I hit publish (within the same hour)!!

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6 Life Tips From The Psalms

6 Life Tips From The Psalms

Does what matters to God, matter to you? I ask myself this as I read the Bible. Cause truth be told, we read it or hear it and sometimes it feels like it goes one ear and out another. But for about a little over 3 months your girl was deep in the Psalms. I wanted to know what God was saying through the psalmists that each helped pen this book of the Bible...

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Church Planting Confessions: A Williams Life Update 3 Years In

Church Planting Confessions: A Williams Life Update 3 Years In

We were pretty young and newly married when we jumped head first into church planting. Which, of course, then means we dove into full-time ministry as well while still learning what it looks like to be husband and wife...

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To The Dreamer Bound By Fear

To The Dreamer Bound By Fear

I'm a dreamer. I day dream more often than I probably should and I think BIG. But if I were to be completely honest, sometimes, my dreaming stops there. It ends where it started, in my mind. While dreaming is exhilirating, often the doubts of "that dream is a little overboard" or "that would be impossible" creep in. More often than I'd like to admit...

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The race, the perseverance, and the people rallying you on

The race, the perseverance, and the people rallying you on

Maybe for some, the end is the easiest, but it wasn't for me. The fact that I was just moments away from approaching the finish line, yet not quite there, sent this wave of exhaustion and weariness over me. One foot in front of the other, I had to keep going. Then, without even thinking it, I began murmering to myself:

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My story - the good, the bad, the redeemed

My story - the good, the bad, the redeemed

I never knew why he looked so sad up there. Jesus, that is, hanging on the cross. I wondered. Not knowing in the first place why He was even on it. The night before Halloween of 2002...

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My word + action plan for the year (and tips on how to discover your own).

My word + action plan for the year (and tips on how to discover your own).

Am I the only that didn't jump on the "one word for the year" bandwagon for the last 6 or so years? I'll admit, I do jump on trends often. I mean, hello, Instant Pot for Christmas: I got curious, saw it everywhere, and gave in. However, this whole idea of no resolutions and one word, eh... it seemed "overly spiritualized" at first to me. But apparently, this entire "pick one word" thing...

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