24 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

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A lot has happened since the halfway mark (20 weeks). Calvin felt the baby kick for the first time! We took maternity photos and I’m including a sneak peek of them in this post! :) We also got a start on our registries and I was able to attend The Mother of All Baby Showers event in Houston with my sweet mama. They weren’t lying when they said the 2nd Trimester would be better than the 1st and that you’d have more energy. Cause I’m feeling great, praise the Lord! Now, time for the rest of this bumpdate:



How are you feeling? I’m still on this energy high. It’s great! But I will admit bending down to pick things up is getting harder and so is shaving my legs. HA! Sometimes I find myself out of breath more often than normal.

How big is the baby now? At 24 weeks, baby is the size of a cantaloupe! Estimating around 11.8-inches and weighing about 1.3 - 1.5 pounds. This babe is growing fast now.

Do you have any names yet?
We are throwing around some names and getting closer! We are down to about 3 or 4. ;) Feel free to comment your boy or girl name suggestions below! #ittakesavillage

Do you have a nursery theme? Yes. We are sticking to neutrals since we won’t be finding out the gender before delivery. The nursery will be a soft grey and white with other earthy neutral tones and may include modern animal paintings mixed with an adventure pieces. (I’m not a fan of the gender neutral yellows or greens, more like the whites, grey, tans, etc.)

How’s the sleep going? My sleep is getting better! My pregnancy pillow and extra pillows in general are helping with that. I’m also having less trips to the bathroom over night, so that’s a plus.

Favorite part of these past few weeks? That’s definitely tied between Calvin feeling the baby kick for the first time and our maternity photoshoot. Calvin felt the baby kick at about 22/23 weeks!! It was finally a strong enough kick that he was 100% sure he felt it. It was a sweet moment for us.

Our maternity photoshoot was done by the lovely Anel from Tender Nest Portraits! Check out more of her work at her website, tendernestportraits.com. She’s an incredible photographer in the Houston area and gives such great mama advice over on her Instagram (@tendernesthtx) and Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/tendernesthtx). It was a joy working with her. We love how all our photos turned out!


Current Movement: Baby is moving a ton! The kicks are getting stronger and so are the flutters. Like I mentioned, Calvin has felt the kicks and so did my sister! When I’m hungry or at rest (mainly at night) is when I feel the kicks and flutters the most. And I’m definitely noticing now what side or area of my belly baby is hanging out!

Current Weight: I’ve now gained 24 pounds! Start weight was 145 and now I weigh 169! Some have asked if I’m carrying twins. The answer is no. Guess belly is just growing lots and at a rapid rate now! You can say I’ve popped.

Current Food Cravings: Sweets!! Ice cream, cookies, berries, candy, and the like. Which I have to be careful with because my next appointment (April 4th) I take that famously dreaded Glucose Test. Yep, the orange stuff is currently in my fridge, chilling.

Current Symptoms: Back pain still. Increased appetite. And does waddling count? LOL! Unfortunately, I’ve also developed Puppps.

PUPPs - Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) rash is an itchy rash that appears on the stomach during late pregnancy and sometimes your arms and legs. While the exact cause of PUPPP rash isn’t known, the stretching of the skin seems to be a trigger for the rash to occur. PUPPP rash occurs in about 1 in every 150 pregnancies and is most common among first time moms. I’m itchyyyyyyy. But doing my best not to scratch. So far no stretch marks on my belly, though!



I’m here for it. Y’all, this weather has just been lovely and this mama can’t recommend enough ditching the pants and putting on some dresses. Below are three I recently purchased. You can click the photos below to shop - all very affordable. If you’re pregnant, do yourself the favor of dresses. If you know a pregnant lady, bless her with a dress. And all God’s people said AMEN.

2. Aveeno Oatmeal Baths

This has been incredible helpful to my Puppps. As I’ve read up on it, oatmeal baths have been recommended over and over again to help sooth my itchy skin. Since there is no cure for it (other than delivery) I’m soothing away as best I can.

3. Aleo

When I’m itchy and red and irritated, I whip this guy out. This Aloe Cooling Gel with Vitamin E feels soooo good on my belly, arms and legs. Yes, the Puppps is starting to spread. :-/ Worth every penny to have this!

4. baby product [unboxings]

Exhibit A: Recently, as mentioned above, I attended The Mother of All Baby Showers event in Houston and received a VIP Swag Bag on my way out! It was a joy to partner with them for this event and I walked away with such great baby products in that swag back, some of which I’m linking below. I can’t wait to try these out with baby!

Exhibit B: THE NOOBIE BOX!! I saw a fellow blogging friend of mine share about this box on her Instagram and I decided to give it a try. The box is FREE, however, you do pay for shipping (around $6). I did an unboxing of it on my Instagram and I honestly loved all I received for the shipping cost. Want one? Or want to gift one to a pregnant mama friend? Click here or a photo below to get yours! Who doesn’t love getting packages?

Next bumpdate will go up at 28 weeks. Let’s see what these next four weeks have in store for baby, Calvin and I! If you can’t tell, I’m loving and cherishing every moment of this journey. Even the harder parts.

We love y’all! Thanks for your continued love, support, and prayers through this journey.

Now, don’t forget! Drop your boy and girl name suggestions below. Or feel free to leave a question you want me to answer in the next bumpdate blog post. Feel free to share this with another pregnant mama. :)

Thanks for reading, friend!

- Crystal

To read on my pregnancy, also check out:

20 Weeks Bumpdate || How I Told My Husband I Was Pregnant || Our Journey To Pregnancy