Fall Looks From The South

Fall Looks From The South

Surely I'm not the only gal that checks the weather app when she wakes up, smiles with glee when she sees 57 degrees under her hometown's name but then instantly dreads the 86 degrees that await from 1 - 4 pm that same day. So, I decided my closet needed some pieces that work well during the months of the year where the south (Houston, Texas - specifically for me) is still deciding if it'll be hot or cold.

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Leading Women: Teaching Others

Leading Women: Teaching Others

Here we are! At the final post of my Leading Women blog series. Thanks for all your encouraging feed back. I've enjoyed sharing on this topic, so let jump right in!

Discipleship (or mentorship) is embedded into the structure of my local church. Christ’s Mercy Church, the church my husband and I planted in Katy, has three core values: Community, Transparency and Discipleship. Discipleship can only happen when one lives transparently in community with others. 

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Leading Women: Learning From Another

Leading Women: Learning From Another

About 6 years ago I took a chance. This leap of faith led to something greater than I could have imagined. It was a Wednesday night, the exact date, I can't recall. But what I do remember is this: I heard the voice of God as clear as day while in the worship portion of a Wednesday night service at the church I attended in college. In the middle of the third song, I heard God say:

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Leading Women: Why Discipleship Matters

Leading Women: Why Discipleship Matters

I don't think I've shared about this with y’all, yet. Which baffles me because it's been such a huge part of my life over the past 3 years. Or so I thought. Because as I looked back, I realized this has been infused in my life for well over a decade. I believe every woman wants to be led, and some women, in return, want to lead others. 

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20-something Lessons I Learned In My 20s

20-something Lessons I Learned In My 20s

...on August 19th, I turned 27. And let me tell you, I can feel 30 creeping closer and closer. With that said, I've decided to begin collecting some of the lessons I've been learning in my 20s. Here are 27 lessons I've learned so far (which I encourage you to embrace) and here's to many more... 
*raises her glass of Rose Lemonade and takes a sip*

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No Kneading Simple Bread Recipe

No Kneading Simple Bread Recipe

Anyone within the hurricane's radar did this. I'm sure of it. You and your friends, or you and your loved ones decided to do this to ensure that everyone was safe. Whether it lasted one day or endured throughout the duration of Hurricane Harvey and even going strong now as some are starting to (literally) place their feet on solid ground again. I'm positive that most of us at some point...

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The Stage, The Lights And Moana

The Stage, The Lights And Moana

This time last week I was on my couch watching Moana. For the first time ever. I know, I know... you mommies out there probably have it memorized and wonder how on earth I've gone nearly a year without watching it or downloading How Far I'll Go on to my phone when you've done all you can to escape the seemingly never ending Moana phase to no avail. I have no littles. I guess that's how. *shrugs shoulders* I bring that up because... 

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How To Avoid Fights During Change

How To Avoid Fights During Change

You'd be naive to think pastors don't lose their cool. Or that they don't have heated discussions with their wives from time to time. And even more naive to think they are perfect and their marriage is 100% error proof. Newsflash - we argue. We get upset, angry and discuss. We discuss a lotHere are my tips to avoid disputes when change comes:

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Do Your Words Really Matter?

Do Your Words Really Matter?

I can't start this blog post off without saying it...
so, imagine me in front of you doing a happy dance as I shout:

WELCOME TO MY NEW WEBSITE!!! (Cue the fireworks!)

I recently went on FB Live to share the news of this website launch, speaking opportunities and my dream to write a book! To share such news is freeing. It is also scary! I've kept this desire to myself for almost a year. Telling no one about it until someone brought it up with the statement...

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Marriage Advice From Millennials

Marriage Advice From Millennials

This isn't a serious or deep "5 Secrets to a Godly Marriage" blog post. It's simple and relaxed. Not to mention, it's from the perspective of two young adults that fell in love and said "I do" not that long ago. Marriage teaches you things. And here are just but a few things of what my husband and I have learned so far...

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Why I Broke Up With New Years Resolutions (or an update on Before 30)

Why I Broke Up With New Years Resolutions (or an update on Before 30)

It's March. Two years ago this month I started this blog. In many ways - I have fallen short since then. In many ways - I have celebrated numerous victories since then! Big and small.So, I dare say it again: it's March. Let's bring up those New Year Resolutions...

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The Lies In The Waiting Room

The Lies In The Waiting Room

Let's talk about waiting, because we all do it. Sometimes waiting isn't that bad, right? You really want that top that goes well with those jeans in your closet, so you willingly wait in the long line at Old Navy to purchase said top. You are surrounded by others who are clearly okay with the wait too as they also have found an item they can't leave the store without. Or you really need that cup of joe to energize you before your 8 a.m. meeting so the wait at the Starbucks drive-thru line is worth it as long as the caramel macchiato with 2 extra shots of expresso gets in your hands just like you ordered it.....

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Getting Real: Christmas Day

Getting Real: Christmas Day

Am I the only one who thought Christmas Day felt... weird? It was HOT. We winged it. It was far from 'traditional'. Our Christmas Lunch was re-heated leftovers. Decorations were scarese. And our house STILL smells like smoke. Gross. (Keep reading for full story.) 7:30 am came quick on Christmas Day after staying up with my family for Christmas Eve and opening presents. As you know, Christmas Day fell on a Sunday, of course, and a church service was to be had! Sundays are work days. Though with great joy we gladly serve the Lord each Sunday and don't look at it as our "job" but as a privilege, it still technically is...

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Coffee At Luke's

Coffee At Luke's

You could say I'm an adventurer/thrill seeker. I'm not a home body and I hardly say 'no' to a spontaneous idea. It's important I share that because I am now going to tell you about my (at times, possibly maybe obsessive...) commitment to all things* social media.*Minus SnapChat....

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