How To Avoid Fights During Change

How To Avoid Fights During Change

You'd be naive to think pastors don't lose their cool. Or that they don't have heated discussions with their wives from time to time. And even more naive to think they are perfect and their marriage is 100% error proof. Newsflash - we argue. We get upset, angry and discuss. We discuss a lotHere are my tips to avoid disputes when change comes:

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Marriage Advice From Millennials

Marriage Advice From Millennials

This isn't a serious or deep "5 Secrets to a Godly Marriage" blog post. It's simple and relaxed. Not to mention, it's from the perspective of two young adults that fell in love and said "I do" not that long ago. Marriage teaches you things. And here are just but a few things of what my husband and I have learned so far...

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