A Pastor's Wife Christmas Reflection
/Scripture reading: Luke 4:14-19 | Matthew 6:9-14
One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is the practice or observation of Advent. I've intentionally observed this season since college, never really knowing anything about it prior to. Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of our Savior's birth. The original word in Latin actually means "coming".
This practice is normally for the duration of 4 weeks prior to Christmas day. (Similar to the practice of Lent before Easter.) We reflect on the expectancy the Isralietes must have experienced in the coming of their Messiah. I journaled through my Advent experience.
Photography by Josh Boot
December 23rd Journal Entry:
"Jesus, thank you for coming. Thank you for humbling yourself. Thank you for living among us and rescuing us. Thank you for having compassion on us and serving your broken people. Thank you for loving us... loving us even unto death on a cross.
Praise be to God it didn't end there!
For you were raised to life and forever defeated all death and darkness.
And now, we, too can cry out... "Abba, Father".
We, too, are now sons and daughters.
We, too, will be raised to new life.
We, too, overcome.
Come, Lord Jesus.
For our ancestors long awaited your arrival and we now await your glorious return.
Crowned with glory.
Our King forever.
Our champion, exalted on high."
You, believer, never wait in vain.
Nor must you wait passively until our King's glorious return.
For we've been entrusted with the Good News. So, let us press on, with faith in our hearts, hope on our lips, love in our actions and great expectancy.
Let us echo the words and actions of Jesus, being empowered by His spirit, to "preach the good news to the poor... to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
And let us join our Savior in his modeled prayer to see God's "kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
Photography by josh boot
It's often said in Christian lingo that we live between two advents. The first, Christ's birth, already happened. The second, his return, we still wait for. But never in vain. For he has proven himself faithful once before and he will do it again.
So, allow me to challenge you to take courage, wait for the Lord, roll up your selves, and get to work because many still don't have the hope we have, nor have they tasted that the Lord is good.
Let's introduce them to the Savior of the world, shall we?
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thanks for reading!