My word + action plan for the year (and tips on how to discover your own).

My word + action plan for the year (and tips on how to discover your own).

Am I the only that didn't jump on the "one word for the year" bandwagon for the last 6 or so years? I'll admit, I do jump on trends often. I mean, hello, Instant Pot for Christmas: I got curious, saw it everywhere, and gave in. However, this whole idea of no resolutions and one word, eh... it seemed "overly spiritualized" at first to me. But apparently, this entire "pick one word" thing...

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Why I Broke Up With New Years Resolutions (or an update on Before 30)

Why I Broke Up With New Years Resolutions (or an update on Before 30)

It's March. Two years ago this month I started this blog. In many ways - I have fallen short since then. In many ways - I have celebrated numerous victories since then! Big and small.So, I dare say it again: it's March. Let's bring up those New Year Resolutions...

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