My word + action plan for the year (and tips on how to discover your own).
/Am I the only that didn't jump on the "one word for the year" bandwagon for the last 6 or so years? I'll admit, I do jump on trends often. I mean, hello, Instant Pot for Christmas: I got curious, saw it everywhere, and gave in.
However, this whole idea of no resolutions and one word, eh... it seemed "overly spiritualized" at first to me. And besides, I'm a goals type of gal. Set them, crush them, and grow along the journey.
But apparently, this entire "pick one word for the year" thing all started when a pastor named Mike Ashcraft from North Carolina thought that focusing on one word would bring about far more growth and transformation than just setting lofty resolutions we struggle to keep all year long. Ashcraft believes your one word can "replace broken promises with a vision for real change".
The more I read about it's orgin and the more I kept reading about it everywhere, the more I thought, okay, maybe they're all on to something here.
So I prayed.
Aaaaaand nada. Nothing. Zilch! I didn't hear nor feel a word.
Until this happened. . .
I was driving and kept picking up my phone. BIG NO, NO. Then I just threw it in my purse and said "NO!" outloud as it flew into my huge tote bag when I instantly heard...
F R E E D O M.
To which I so promptly and accurately replied:
"but, God, I'm already free in Christ."
"Not from this addiction, you're aren't." replied THE ALMIGHTY!
He was right.
Of course, He was right.
Then more words flooded my mind. But not words to claim over the year of 2018, instead words that affirmed this ONE WORD I'll be declaring over my life in this new year, FREEDOM.
Things I needed freedom from flooded my mind as I kept asking God to guide my thoughts, even if it was convicting as heck and it felt like my heart was just checked into the physician's office to prep for heart surgery (metaphorically speaking here, as in the get-the-junk-out-of-my-heart-that-I'm-enslaved-to type of heart surgery).
I quickly parked my car, ran inside, scrambled around for a sticky note and pen and wrote it all out.
(noun) the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
synonyms: liberty, liberation, release, deliverance, delivery, discharge;
He was right. I needed F R E E D O M. And from a lot of things.
FREEDOM from addictions:
-my phone -social media -food -sleep -caffeine -other people's highlight reels
You don't have to use illegal drugs or get hammered daily to be one with a problem. Many of us are addicted to something.
FREEDOM from excuses:
-not smart enough -not enough time -not as talented -not a professional -no one cares -what will others say -not experienced
I could bore you with my long list of excuses. More than ever I want freedom from any and all excuses to be all that God wants me to be.
FREEDOM from stuff:
-junk -unnecessary possesions -excess clothing, shoes, accessories -digital clutter
Sufficating. When you have an excess amount of stuff, it feels like you're sufficating. My closet makes me anxious. It's time to let go.
After seeing it all on my sticky note, Lord knows a nervous smile came across my face. I was proud to have remembered everything He spoke to me and that I finally had a word. However, the nerves came from knowing this journey won't be all that glamourous. It would take lots of prayer, dedication, closeness to the Father and some action on my part!
My four tips to discovering your word for the year:
1. Pray.
2. Self evaluate. (My One Word has guided steps on this.)
4. Write it down.
Already have a word? Or wondering what to do next??
To have a word written on a sticky note or your journal is not enough. (At least not for me.) So, below you'll find my action plan and I encourage you to think of similar ways you can keep your focus on this one word or you can copy my action plan!
- accountability -
Immediately after writing out that sticky note above, I took a picture of it and texted it to my husband. Someone else needed to know what I felt God leading me towards in this year. I kid you not when I say THAT EXACT SAME DAY - only hours later, mind you - my husband saw an opportunity to ALREADY hold me accountable and called out a fear and an excuse I needed to be set free from. Thanks, babe.
- themed reading -
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Other than working my way through scripture. I firmly believe the Word of God has complete the power to set us free, I have searched themed reading that will help aid me in practical steps towards freedom from that listed above. My examples are below:
(Excessive Sleep)
1. Hello Mornings by Kat Lee
(Excessive Phone Usage)
2. 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You by Tony Reinke
4. Nothing To Prove by Jennie Allen
- themed music -
I'm a huge advocate that whatever goes in, comes out! I'm very mindful of what I watch and listen to. Therefore, I knew I'd need to create a Freedom playlist to help me on the days I'm descending into a pit of negative thoughts or to paint a better picture, placing those shackles back on me. Music, worship in partical, moves me towards something greater than myself and my weakness.
Click here to follow this playlist: 2018 - Freedom Spotify Playlist
If you have a word for the year, I'd love for you to comment it below. I'll be praying for you and your journey this year! If you don't yet, I hope you are encouraged to discover one for yourself if that is what you feel led to do.
Last thing, I hope you know this year can be great for you. I hope you know things don't have to stay the way they are. I hope you know you can experience true love, freedom and joy. I hope you know that with God by your side, anything is possible. And for me:
freedom is possible.
Thanks for reading,
- crystal -