Do Your Words Really Matter?
/I can't start this blog post off without saying it... so, imagine me in front of you doing a happy dance as I shout:
(Cue the fireworks!)
As you look around and read the words typed out for you, I hope you are encouraged, filled with hope and leave knowing more about our Creator God and how much he loves you. And please, don't leave without saying hi! (Simply click on the gray banner up top!)
I recently went on FB Live to share the news of this website launch, speaking opportunities and my dream to write a book...
To share such news is freeing. It is also scary! I've kept this desire to myself for almost a year. Telling no one about it until someone brought it up with the statement... "Hey, you should write a book!" or the question "Have you ever thought about writing a book?" Inside I'd scream, YEEEES! But on the outside gave that "Aww, thanks. Maybe." type response with the head tilt.
Each time, I'd entertain the thought for about a day, maybe two. Then, my friends, Fear and Insecurity, would show up, camp out for the night and the dream would be suppressed even more. But despite my suppressing, the dream grew larger... God spoke louder... loved ones kept mentioning it and before I knew it I couldn't keep it in or enclosed any longer. So then arrived the stage where I fought it as it would come to the surface, recalling Fear's and Insecurity's top phrases, such as, no one wants to hear what you have to say ... you aren't a writer ... you aren't smart enough ... you're too young ... no one will publish it ... it's too hard ... you'll probably give up anyway ... no one is going to buy it ... your words don't matter, neither do your experiences. Yeah, I don't like my friends Fear and Insecurity all that much either. And I am learning to entertain them less and less each time... Praise Jesus.
God knows me. He knows you. He made you and knows everything about you (Psalm 139), as He does me. So he also knows how Crystal learns, how she listens and how she likes to refer to herself in the third person. He knows I love confirmations. So, He has confirmed to me that my words matter. And the words I share about Him matter. Can I give you an example?
Calvin and I went on a mission trip to Brazil July of 2015. We loved it. We traveled from home to home sharing the good news of Jesus Christ! Nervous at first, of course, but each time it got a little easier and we were filled with so much joy (and caffeine) that our words just flowed and we sensed such a powerful presence of God in our obedience to speak. To share.
Last night (June 2, 2017) I received this message on Facebook Messenger:
FRI 10:06PM
Luan: I remember when you and your husband visited my house in Brazil, and prayed for me and my Family, my Life was transformed totally, i accepted Jesus as my savior and I was baptized on Waters. I want to say thanks for visit, i believe in power of the pray and I am a fruit this pray. God bless you and your Family. Thanks again.
Crystal: Luan, I am in tears as I type. Tears of happiness. Praise God for your salvation! I told my husband and we just prayed for you and thanked God. That trip to Brazil was wonderful. We will continue to pray for you and your family. Continue praying, reading your bible and going to church. God is so powerful and He loves you so much. With Him all things are possible. Read Psalms 1!
Luan: So cool. I am one year and six months in the way With Jesus, going and serving the church, praying, reading the bible. My best choice that I have in all my life. Thanks for the prays, i will pray too, for you and your husband. Spirit of God fill you with of your presence.
Ok, i will read.
photography by hannah robinson
So I will continue to speak. I will continue to write. I will continue to speak positively. I will build up. I will encourage. I will edify with my words and I will admonish when necessary. There is power in our words, spoken or written. My words matter. Your words matter.
I will write this book.
What do you need to speak? Write? Share? Don't let fear or insecurities hold you back. Step out in faith. Because yes, your words really do matter.